When you have children they change your life. Forever.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling when you bring them
home for the first time. You are no longer the king of your
castle. You are no longer the most important thing in your
life. They are and that’s good.
You blink and then they are 8. You blink again and they
are 28. You blink again and now they are parents resembling
who you once were. My, my, my how time flies when you’re
having fun.
Take time to enjoy and cherish those days and those
memories. Let them climb into the bed with you. Sing that
song for the tenth time. Take those vacations, even when
you can’t afford it. Play with them. Laugh with them. Cry with
them. Teach them. Forgive them. Rejoice with them. Embrace
the good days and the hard days. Never give up on them.
Never stop praying for them.
Before you know it, you’re going to miss all that. Before
you know it they will be gone. Yes, they will come back for
visits, but life moves on.
Thank God for the life and rejoice that He chose to let you
be a family.
I’m on the Adventure,